Change Your Circle of Friends If They Don’t Discuss Money Often. Friends that do not discuss ideas that can help you generate money would either get you broke or may not be able to bail you out if you get broke. Your friends determine your value, choose them wisely.
I bet you have heard a lot of quotes on money. One such quotes is – “Money can’t buy happiness”. Well, I’ve got an advice for you, if you believe a bit of that, you need to stop reading this article, right now. Who believes such in this age and time anyway?
Of the many money quotes out there, the one that I find to be so hilarious is “Money is the root of all evil”. That statement has so gotten into the heads of the majority of people in our society that it has become a taboo amongst some friends to discuss their success stories.
Most friends now find it easier to let their friends know when they are not doing well financially, but unable to tell them when they are successful and making more money than their peers
What is even worse is that some friends do not want you to talk about your success stories when you are around them. This may sound odd, but did you know that you will eventually get to be affected by the energies given out by your friends? Friends who feel bad about your success would do anything possible to pull you down.
Friendship is an elevator – It is either taking you up, or taking you down. It is therefore imperative to choose the friendships you go into carefully.
 Olufemi Akinyemi